The Society of Jesus, a Christian Religious Order founded by St.Ignatius of Loyola in 1540 has been active in the field of education throughout the world since its origin. In India, the Society of Jesus is at present responsible for 93 high schools and 17 colleges in which one and half lakh young people belonging to every social class, community and linguistic groups are being educated through the medium of English and regional languages.
These institutions are part of the Catholic Church’s effort, to share in the country’s educational undertaking. This effort, while being particularly responsible towards the Christian community, has always been at the service of the whole nation.
Jesuit education is inspired by a vision of man drawn from the life and teaching of Jesus Christ who has always been respected and admired by the people of India. It is also based on the principles of character formation elaborated by Ignatius of Loyola. This vision and these principles give Jesuit institutions a specific character and set before their staff and students high ideals of humanism and service towards which they are invited continually to strive.
The Jesuit school/college aims at the integral, personal growth of the young. To accomplish this, special efforts are made.
To help the students to become mature, spiritually oriented menof character.
To encourage them continually to strive after excellence in everyfield.
To value and use judiciously their freedom;
To be clear and firm on principles and courageous in action;
To be unselfish in the service of their fellowmen;
To become agents of needed individual and social change.
The Jesuit school thus aims at making its own contribution towards a radical transformation of present day social conditions, so that the principles of social justice, equality of opportunity, genuine freedom, respect for religious and moral values enshrined in the constitution of India may prevail and the possibility of living a fully human existence may be open before all.
Vision Statement for the Educational Apostolate We, the members of the Jesuit Institutions of the Goa Province, in fidelity to our vocation as Educators, are sent to build human communities based on the Values of God's Kingdom - Justice, Love and Peace - forming men and women, conscious of their mission to serve the underprivileged.
The Mission of the Goa Province We Jesuits are sent to proclaim a Faith that does Justice, promotes Love and fosters human communities imbued with the values of God’s Kingdom.
In carrying out this mission we shall constantly evaluate and renew our present services and seek to launch out into new areas and new works, keeping in mind the good of our people, especially the poor and the marginalized.