The School Coat of arms in the School Diary is intended to inspire every boy of St. Britto with the lofty ideals expressed by it. The Coat of Arms is divided thus :
At the top, against a field of Blue, blazes the Monogram of the Society of Jesus, in a Golden sun : IHS, surmounted by a cross.
IHS is the short form in Greek for the most Holy Name of Jesus, and it signifies that Jesus, the Light of the World died on the cross to spread the Truth. We, too, should strive for TRUTH, always.
Below that, against a field of Golden yellow, are the Palms of Martyrdom, which the Patron of the School, St. John de Britto, won by shedding his blood to spread the Truth
A Red Chevron separates the Lamp of Learning at the bottom of the Coat of Arms.
A burning lamp dispels darkness, and a learning man dispels ignorance. Boys at St. Britto are expected to be a light unto themselves and to their neighbour.
Finally the meaning of the whole is aptly summarised by the School Motto : “Facta non verba” written on the Scroll below the Coat of Arms. It means : “Deeds, Not Words" is really what matters.